This cause is very dear to my heart, and I am both honored and humbled that this new center will play such a pivotal role in advancing applied innovation research at Tufts.
The Auster Center for Applied Innovation Research is dedicated to advancing our understanding of how innovation, particularly technology innovation or innovations that are touched by technology, can be fostered, translated, and applied to do good in the world. The Auster Center supports and funds Tufts faculty and students to conduct research to explore novel ways to solve wicked problems and achieve impact through applied innovation. The work of the Auster Center will establish Tufts University’s thought leadership in Applied Innovation Research.
This cause is very dear to my heart, and I am both honored and humbled that this new center will play such a pivotal role in advancing applied innovation research at Tufts.
For further information about the Auster Center for Applied Innovation Research, please contact Tufts Gordon Institute at tgi@tufts.edu.