Alumni gather for summer social at Lawn on D

On June 7, over 100 Tufts Gordon Institute alumni, faculty, staff, and students gathered at Lawn on D in Boston’s Seaport district for the annual Summer Social.

On June 7, over 100 Tufts Gordon Institute alumni, faculty, staff, and students gathered at Lawn on D in Boston’s Seaport district for the annual Summer Social. The evening provided an opportunity for alumni to reconnect with classmates and faculty, and network with the growing Tufts Gordon Institute community.

Executive Director Mark Ranalli welcomed the newest members of the alumni network: the Class of 2017’s M.S. in Engineering Management and M.S. in Innovation & Management students. Jennifer Braggin and Joe Reale, both MSEM ’14, discussed the value of being part of the growing alumni community, and described their involvement with the Tufts Gordon Institute Alumni Council.

The evening concluded with a cornhole tournament on the lawn, in which 16 teams made up of MSEM, MSIM, students, and guests competed for a special prize.

Click here to see more photos from the event.