MSEM alum featured on Steve Harvey’s Funderdome

“I don’t want anybody to be intimidated by making fresh pasta.”- Mike Finizio, MSEM ’12.


Michael Finizio competes on Funderdome

“I don’t want anybody to be intimidated by making fresh pasta.”- Mike Finizio, MSEM ’12.

Finizio has invented a special rolling pin for making ravioli from scratch. He and the company he founded, Repast Supply Co., were recently featured on ABC’s Funderdome, hosted by Steve Harvey.

On the show, Finizio demonstrated how the modified rolling pin works by rolling over sheets of pasta dough which stamps out perfectly sealed ravioli.

Steve Harvey’s Funderdome is a seed-funding competition reality series where two budding entrepreneurs go head-to-head to win over a live studio audience to fund their ideas, products or companies.

Click here to watch the full episode.