Tufts Gordon Institute launches new Saturday M.S. in Engineering Management program format Three program formats allow technical professionals to select the option that best fits their careers and their lives.
An Interview with Associate Dean and Executive Director Mark Ranalli Tufts Gordon Institute was pleased to welcome Mark Ranalli this September as the new associate dean and executive director of Tufts Gordon Institute.
2014 Student Consulting Projects Receive Positive Feedback All sponsors indicated the teams exceeded project expectations.
Mark Ranalli Appointed as Associate Dean and Executive Director of Tufts Gordon Institute Prior to his arrival at Tufts, Ranalli was managing director at the Andover-based RR Donnelly Digital Solutions Group where he oversaw the company’s digital business strategy.
Forbes: Tufts One of America’s Most Entrepreneurial Universities FORBES ranked the nation’s most entrepreneurial research universities based on their entrepreneurial ratios.
From Healio.com – BeTH wins Tufts University $100k New Ventures Competition BeTH has developed a patent pending adjustable, custom fit prosthetic liner aimed at increasing amputee comfort.
Entrepreneurship at Tufts BostInno’s coverage of the expanding community of entrepreneurship across the Tufts campus.
Tufts Gordon Institute Names Winners in University’s Tenth $100k New Ventures Competition Prizes included over $100,000 in cash and in-kind sponsor contributions.
Tufts $100K Awards Startups Creating Game-Changing Private and Social Value Two new startups joined a growing list of success stories during the 10-Year Anniversary Celebration of the Tufts $100K New Ventures Competition.