
Andy O'Brien is a lecturer in entrepreneurial finance at the Derby Entrepreneurship Center. He brings to the DEC expertise in finance informed by his experience as a leader of and an advisor to B2B companies as an operating executive, investor, consultant and board member
Outside Tufts, he consults for lower-middle market companies in a wide range of industries to develop and execute M&A programs that will accelerate their growth. He has been a leader of several B2B companies in industries such as enterprise software, web services, and wholesale distribution as an executive, board member, and investor. Previously, he was a core member of the leadership team at Brooktrout (a NASDAQ-listed telecom software provider), from $12M to over $100M revenue. Andy started his career as a consultant at McKinsey & Company and a commercial banker at a predecessor to JP Morgan Chase. You can learn more about Andy's background and experience at www.linkedin.com/in/randrewobrien/.