*Note: The Foundations for Future Leadership Minor now exists as the Business, Management, and Leadership Minor
The best solutions to our toughest challenges lie in new and novel approaches. At the same time, a just and innovative society demands a new kind of leader. Launching in the Fall 2022 semester, Tufts Gordon Institute’s new Foundations for Future Leadership Minor aims to provide graduates with the skills and mindset to become the kind of innovative leaders that can tackle the complex challenges our society faces.
The purpose of the minor is to empower Tufts students to become impactful members of society as they embark upon their personal and professional journeys. In addition to serving as the foundation to a students’ education, the minor will also act as a gateway to additional studies in leadership, innovation, management, and entrepreneurship – the cluster of specialties at Tufts Gordon Institute and the Derby Entrepreneurship Center at Tufts.
Reflecting on the new minor, Director of Programs and Operations for the Tufts Gordon Institute, Will Trevor, said, “We are thrilled to offer this new minor as an important step in helping undergraduate students build the leadership skills to navigate the challenging waters of a swiftly changing world. This minor will help to develop the next generation of leaders who will have an important role in transforming society, while also teaching them vital skills in financial literacy, communications, and the importance of acting with an ethical purpose. Central to the mission of the Tufts Gordon Institute is developing transformative leaders with heart, and this minor helps spread that vision to all Tufts students.”
To receive this minor, students need to complete three half-semester core courses (2 credits each) in Leadership, Communications, and Financial Literacy, and at least one elective course from Tufts Gordon Institute’s portfolio of 100-level courses. The total credits required for completion of this minor is a minimum of 8 credits. This minor is open to students in the School of Engineering (SOE), and students across other Tufts schools are invited to take the cluster of courses as an important addition to their studies.
For more information about the Foundations for Future Leadership Minor, please visit the Minor webpage.